macos - user is not in the sudoers file. This incident
Edit /etc/sudoers. As root, run visudo to edit /etc/sudoers and make the following changes. The advantage of using visudo is that it will validate the changes to the file.. The default /etc/sudoers file contains two lines for group wheel; the NOPASSWD: line is commented out. Uncomment that line and comment out the wheel line without NOPASSWD.When you are done, it should look like this: Editing the Sudoers File. To edit /etc/sudoers file, use following command: sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers. It is recommended to use visudo to edit the sudoers file. Visudo makes sure that sudoers is edited by one user at a time and provides necessary syntax checks. To see which users are in the sudo group we can use a grep command: grep 'sudo If you're in the admin group (or the sudo group starting with Ubuntu 12.04) but that group isn't configured in /etc/sudoers to be able to run commands as root with sudo, you can fix that problem the same way you'd fix a broken sudoers file: pkexec visudo Then just edit the sudoers file to add whatever entries you need. In particular: The sudoers file is located at /etc/sudoers but, unlike /etc/hosts and many other system configuration files, you do not want to point a general text editor at the file to modify it. Instead, you'll want to use a specific command called 'visudo', which confirms proper syntax before saving the document.
user is not in the sudoers file. This inc… - Apple Community
Step 3: Add the new user to sudoers group. To add the newly created user to sudoers group, use the usermod command as shown in the syntax below: # usermod -aG sudo username. In our case, to add user Jack to sudoers group, we will run # usermod -aG sudo jack. You can verify whether the user added to the sudo group by running the id command. Adding yourself to the sudoers file The sudoers file offers quite a lot of control over exactly what someone can run, as well as who they can run it as, and from where. Let's just quickly run through a few of the other options you've got in the sudoers file: Restricting who a user can run commands as.
$ su > Enter root password: ***** $ visudo -f /etc/sudoers Find the following section of /etc/sudoers file and add your users privileges: # User privilege specification root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL user_name ALL=(ALL) ALL Save the file (press esc and type :x if vim is your default text editor, for nano press ctrl+o, enter and then ctrl+x).
Fix `Username Is Not In The Sudoers File. This Incident $ sudo apt update [sudo] password for logix: logix is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. sudo doesn't work by default on a Fresh Debian installation because your username is not automatically added to the sudo group (it does work on Ubuntu by default).